Unity Game Server Client SDK

This is the Unity version of the Agones Game Server Client SDK.

Check the Client SDK Documentation for more details on each of the SDK functions and how to run the SDK locally.


Download the source directly from GitHub .


  • Unity >= 2018.x (.NET 4.x)


Import this script to your unity project and attach it to GameObject.

To begin working with the SDK, get an instance of it.

var agones = agonesGameObject.GetComponent<Agones.AgonesSdk>();

To connect to the SDK server, either local or when running on Agones, run the async Connect() method. This will wait for up to 30 seconds if the SDK server has not yet started and the connection cannot be made, and will return false if there was an issue connecting.

bool ok = await agones.Connect();

To mark the game server as ready to receive player connections, call the async method Ready().

async void SomeMethod()
    bool ok = await agones.Ready();

To get the details on the backing GameServer call GameServer().

Will return null if there is an error in retrieving the GameServer record.

var gameserver = await agones.GameServer();

To mark the GameServer as Reserved for a duration call Reserve(TimeSpan duration).

ok = await agones.Reserve(duration);

To mark that the game session is completed and the game server should be shut down call Shutdown().

bool ok = await agones.Shutdown();

Similarly SetAnnotation(string key, string value) and SetLabel(string key, string value) are async methods that perform an action.

And there is no need to call Health(), it is automatically called.


The properties for the Unity Agones SDK can be found in the Inspector.

  • Health Interval Second
    • Interval of the server sending a health ping to the Agones sidecar. (default: 5)
  • Health Enabled
    • Whether the server sends a health ping to the Agones sidecar. (default: true)
  • Log Enabled
    • Debug Logging Enabled. Debug logging for development of this Plugin. (default: false)